Saturday, October 16, 2010

And this is the government you want "taking care of you"?

Here are just two articles from the past week or so:

1. "As states slash support and stimulus dollars are funneled through targeted grant programs, local governments must simultaneously give pink slips to veteran employees and opportunities to fresh recruits." -- Washington Post

And never the twain shall meet.

2. "The federal government last year sent about 89,000 checks of $250 each to dead or incarcerated people through the Obama administration's economic stimulus program, according to a watchdog report."  -- Associated Press

Let me do the math for you. That's $22,250,000.00. Every taxpaying household in the country just gave 16 cents to a dead person or a convicted criminal. And some people say Americans aren't generous!

1 comment:

Jeri said...

Maybe I'll move to Chile