Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Washington DC Christmas poem

Twas the night before Christmas, while in the White House
Not a creature was stirring, not even a spouse.
The tax bill was signed with the utmost of care,
In hopes that more voters soon would be there.

Congressional folks nestled back in their wards,
With visions of those who fell on their swords.
And Michele in her kerchief and “O” in his cap,
Were now resting up from a heck of a scrap.

When out on the “net” there arose such a clatter
Poor “O” was afraid to know what was the matter,
But he flew to the laptop with hurry and dash
And hit the start button and opened the cache.

His AOL mail had a message that said,
Click on this link, to a site you’ll be led.
And what to his wondering eyes did appear,
But a Wikileaks page and another bad smear.

It amazed him to see how people accuse,
He knew in an instant it must be Fox News.
He thought of the folks who were surely to blame,
He hated those grinches and then called them by name.

Now McConnell! Now Boehner! Now Palin and Beck!
Now Limbaugh and Hannity, you’re pains in the neck!
Where’s Biden, Where’s Reid, Where’s Pelosi or Rahm?
They used to handle these things with aplomb.

But inside was a calmness his face would belie,
And soon a bright sparkle came back to his eye.
For he knew what had happened just wasn’t that bad,
As Republicans did not even know they’d been had.

The tax deal was done and though it was fraught,
The trick had worked better than even he thought.
A wolf in sheep’s clothing with spending so vast
As a stimulus plan it would never have passed.

So he closed out the eve with some cookies and milk
While he laughed at Conservatives and all of their ilk
Yea they heard him exclaim, ‘ere he turned out the light,
“Happy Christmas to all, but to hell with the right!”


Cindy B said...

I don't know how you do it! Poetry? OMG LOL BBL YPC. That's how lame I am! We need for you to have a regular column on a comedic conservative website. (I think you get paid for that too)

Big Al said...

And a Happy Christmas to my great blog fan from the "damned" right. We'll take on Beelzebub together!

judekay said...

To my new-found friend, Al----thank you for this poem.....

Why does this have to be so true? I wish I could express myself as you.
But, alas, all I can do is rant and rave and hope and pray that we will be saved. It's up to me to put up a fuss and that we will--with people like us!!!

Big Al said...

Welcome aboard to my new found friend Judy. Writing this blog is how I keep from "losing it".