Thursday, October 21, 2010

Free speech -- NPR style

The latest lightening bolt of liberalism struck one of it's own. Juan Williams, a contributing Senior Political Analyst for National Public Radio, was fired yesterday for comments he made during an appearance on Bill O'Reilly's show. Williams is moderate liberal who is one of the few liberals who will invoke common sense into a discussion. He was talking with O'Reilly about the host's now celebrated stint on "The View" during which two of the moderators walked off the set. All because of a comment about how it was Muslims that killed Americans on 9/11. Well, duh. It was the Japanese that bombed Pearl Harbor. It was the Germans who systematically exterminated Jews. Are we so damn politically correct that we have to state the obvious that it was the extremists among them who committed those acts?

Anyway, Mr. Williams allowed as how when he is flying, he becomes a little nervous or fearful if he realizes that self-admitted Muslims in their traditional garb are also passengers on the flight. For this honesty he was fired by the government supported NPR. Can you say censorship? The very group who hails free speech and dissension as basic American rights, now decides who amongst them may say what.

I have a question for those of you who read this blog. Since 9/11, have you ever had a flight where it was obvious there were Muslim passengers. If so, did you not have just a little hint of apprehension about what could happen if they were the extremist type? Did you not wonder to yourself, just for a moment, what must it have been like that day? You know you did. Whether or not you will admit it is the question.

For Juan Williams, this admission cost him his livelihood. I'm not exactly crushed that there will be one less liberal pontificating on NPR. And I won't shed a tear if the liberals start killing off their own, but the trampling of this man's rights is disconcerting.


Bernice said...

The Germans and Japanese were acting under the support and umbrella of their federal governments, but Muslim extremists are on their own without systemic or operational government mechanisms in place to assist them.

Bernice said...

The Germans and Japanese were acting under the support and umbrella of their federal governments, but Muslim extremists are on their own without systemic or operational government mechanisms in place to assist them.

Bermoce said...

I have no qualms saying Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, or even Germans killed Jews, altho I prefer to say Nazis killed Jews. But I hope to keep separate in my mind that only Muslim extremists killed on 9/11 and that most moderate Muslims condemned the acts.

Big Al said...

Good comments Bernice. It does seem to me though that Al Queda has no problem identifying itself with Muslims. The misguided Americans that join their cause are or become Muslims before they join.

My reading leads me to believe that the majority of the Japanese government did not want the war but the extremists prevailed. As for the majority of Germans, I think the extremists swept the country up in it before they even knew what was happening.

In any case, my point still is, why do we have to identify that they are the extremists? Or course they are.